
Fusion in the Sun

Quark Matter 2004 Teacher Workshop - There are a number of presentations at a high school level which show the field of high energy nuclear physics - the search for the Quark Gluon Plasma. Included are movies that show interacting nuclei.
Presentation given to a January 2005 AAPT Workshop in Albuquerque. There is an html version and a QuickTime movie. The workshop was lead by Fred Begay of the Seaborg Hall of Science. This presentations describes the basic properties of radiation.
Presentation Given to APS 2005 Presentation give to the Spring meeting of the American Physical Society in 2005 by Howard Matis describing a course on radiation and homeland security given by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Nuclear Science Division.
First Page of Vital Signs A talk to the Vital Signs 2005 by Howard Matis entitled "The Nucleus, Radiation and the EHS professional".
Slide 1 Professor Jamie Nagle of the University of Colorado presented "The Hottest Matter on Earth" at an Invited Talk at the APS/AAPT Meeting,
Washington DC, February 2010. We also have the PowerPoint file.
Slide 1 Eric Norman, a professor at the UC Berkeley Nuclear Engineering, has created a short presentation on the basics of radioactivity. We have his PowerPoint talk and the corresponding slide show.
Scouting Merit Badge Patch We have two presentations to use for the Nuclear Science Merit Badge. One is a general description and the other describes some famous Nuclear Scientists.

Last Updated January 9, 2012